the space between time

interactive apple watch face designs

about the project


Time passes, even when you aren’t paying attention to it. In fact, it feels like it passes even more quickly when you’re not paying attention. But then, you have to pay attention or you’ll miss a deadline or a train or an appointment

The goal of ‘The Space Between Time’ is to bring users from a headspace where time doesn’t matter to reality, where time does matter, in a way that doesn’t feel too jarring

‘The Space Between Time’ is a watch face that acts as a non-threatening mode of transportation between that passive and active time.

type of work i did

conceptualization, user research, illustration, prototyping, user testing, animation, identity

included styles

  • digital (rectangular)

  • analog (circular)


passive time

Time that passes when we’re not looking and don’t need to pay attention

active time

Time that passes when we need to know what time it is

enter the space between time

the digital

for those of us who need a quick trip back to time.

The digital watch face displays the day of the week, date, and time, along with a calming animation of two people at an aquarium looking at the aquatic life.

the analog

for those of us who prefer a smoother transition back to time.

The analog watch face displays the time in an analog format, using a bubble and seaweed as the clock face. The background is an ambient animation of fish swimming across the screen.

the notification screen

The notification screen pops up after the transitional bubble animation, and is meant to serve as the entrypoint into active time; a gentle reminder to users that they have events scheduled for that day. Users can view their events for the day by tapping on the calendar icon, “Today’s Events,” or “Calendar” on the screen. If a user wants to remain in the passive time headspace for a little while longer, they can click anywhere else on the screen to return to the initial screen.

the transition screen

This animated transition is meant to serve as the bridge between passive and active time. A simple animation of bubbles rising up from the bottom of the Apple Watch face, this brings users from the initial screen to a calendar notification.

events overview

This screen allows users to scroll through an abbreviated overview of all the events they have scheduled for the day. Each event platter is complete with the name of the event, how much time the user has until they have to leave in order to arrive on time, and the location of the event. This informaiton is pulled from the user’s calendar app on their phone. Users can tap on any of the events in the overview screen to view more information in the Event Details page, and can return to the initial screen by tapping outside the platters at the top of the screen.

event details

These paginated screens allow users to see more details about the events they have scheduled for the day. Information included ranges from the name of the event, to its location, to when the user would need to leave their current location to arrive at the event on time, to the time of the event, and which calendar the user added the event to in their Calendar app. Users can swipe between each screen for easy viewing and can return back to the Events Overview screen by tapping on the “Back” button.

read through my brand book below.